Friday, June 27, 2008

home alone(ish)

So military man left today for roughly 3 weeks of training. although i am sad my other half is gone right now, i am looking foward to some super fun bonding time with booderbean. i know i should be used to his train ups and the fact that he is away alot, but dang, i'm just not.
I'm thinking of all sorts of projects i want to do around the house, rooms i want to clean and organize, scrapbooks i want to work on (ok start!), things to do to keep me busy so the time passes quickly.
I cannot belive he will be gone over the 4th of July...i mean come on, isn't that an American tradition that those who serve in the military should be able to celebrate and remember? Oh well i don't suppose they checked with me before they planned the train ups huh. At least fireworks will be on the minimal for us this year because i jsut can't see myself going out and getting all the big explosivies taht most men and daddies would do with their sons. Nope, it's snakes, poppers and sparklers (maybe) for me and booder bean this year. Next year military man can go all out.
I plan to take plenty of pictures of all the funny things booder bean does over the next few weeks so that when military man comes home he won't have missed a thing.

well here's to a fabulous weekend! at this point, i'm pretty sure wine will be involved :)


morewineplease said...

Rasing a glass to you right now my dear! Come see is in OKC!

Krouts Sprouts said...

thanks, you make me smile girl. yes, we do need to plan a gettogether soon dont' we!