I swear, be in our house for one minute and you will be cracking up! These two boys keep us constantly laughing! BooderBean has got some of the most hilarious facial expressions when he is telling me a story, i have to really pay attention to what he is saying because i just start cracking up watching his face! He has started saying "I'm serious, I really am!" with the most convincing look on his face to just about every story he tells you.
And BrotherBean "talks" so much lately, i love those little baby squeals and loud noises that seem to shock them more than anything! He loves to sit and coooo to you! I'll try to capture some video this weekend to post!
These photos are not good quality and were very obviously taken on my camera phone, but i wanted to show some funny snap shots we get at home when we aren't "camera ready"
Cannon loves his tummy time!
The boys, just hangin' out together
Happy Friday everyone!
Enjoy some (not so glamorous) but funny pictures of our boys